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Discover a Healthier You: Lifestyle Medicine for Lasting Change

Welcome! I’m Dr Sunil Kumar, a passionate advocate for lifestyle medicine’s power to transform health inside and out. As a Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician and British Society of Lifestyle Medicine Diplomate, I draw on cutting-edge research to help patients prevent, manage and reverse chronic diseases through personalised lifestyle changes.

Additionally, my expertise uniquely equips me to promote clinician wellbeing. As an NHS England Faculty Member, I facilitate workshops for doctors and healthcare professionals focused on building resilience, finding balance and preventing burnout. As Vice Chair of the British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, I also enable the next generation of physicians to thrive.

My motivation stems from my personal experience overcoming obesity and burnout. By integrating tailored diet, exercise, sleep and stress management, I reclaimed my own health – and found my purpose empowering others’ wellness journeys.

Whether you want to lose weight, improve conditions like diabetes or hypertension, optimise energy, or design a customised self-care plan, I offer evidence-based lifestyle medicine strategies paired with compassionate support.

If you’re ready to transform your physical, mental and spiritual health for lifelong wellbeing, contact my team today. Let’s begin writing your next chapter of optimal health!


Services and Problems Addressed


During our first consultation, we'll explore your current lifestyle and diet in-depth. We'll discuss your eating habits, sleep schedule, exercise routine, stress levels and more. Using this information, I'll suggest customised lifestyle modifications that can help you attain your health goals and enhance your well-being.


Congratulations on making the decision to embark on a transformative health journey. We applaud you for taking that important first step towards a healthier you. Let us be your guide and provide the support you need to achieve your goals. Together, we can make your dreams of a healthier and more confident you a reality.


Welcome to my Diabetes Type 2 Remission Program - a research-backed and holistic approach for managing diabetes type 2. Our program can help you improve your health, reduce medication intake, and achieve long-term remission. Join us today to start your journey towards optimal wellbeing!


My integrative approach considers your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing to create a custom plan that suits your needs. We combine research in nutrition, exercise, stress management, and self-care techniques to achieve long-term health. Our team helps you make sustainable lifestyle changes for better quality of life.



Stress Management


Stress Management


Weight Loss Program

Qualified CHIP Facilitator

Weight Loss Program

Qualified CHIP Facilitator


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Questions for us

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Traditional medicine typically focuses on treating the symptoms of disease with medication or surgery. Lifestyle medicine, on the other hand, focuses on preventing and reversing disease by addressing the underlying causes. This is done through lifestyle changes such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress management, and avoiding risky substances.
Lifestyle medicine is safe for most people. However, it is important to talk to your doctor before making any major changes to your diet or exercise routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. While lifestyle medicine can be effective in preventing and reversing disease, individual results may vary, and it may not be suitable for everyone. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or me before starting any new treatment or making significant lifestyle changes.
Yes, lifestyle medicine can help you lose weight and keep it off. A whole-food, plant-predominant diet and regular physical activity are the most effective ways to lose weight and improve overall health. However, it is important to understand that lifestyle medicine is not a one-size-fits-all solution. The effectiveness of weight loss may vary depending on individual factors such as genetics, metabolism, and adherence to the recommended lifestyle changes.
Yes, lifestyle medicine can help you reverse many chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. In some cases, lifestyle medicine can even cure chronic diseases. However, it’s important to note that the degree of reversibility and success may vary from person to person. While some individuals may experience significant improvements or complete reversal of their chronic conditions through lifestyle medicine, others may see more incremental changes or be unable to fully reverse their diseases.

Some of the challenges of making lifestyle changes include

  • Lack of time
  • Lack of motivation
  • Unsupportive environment
  • Old habits
  • Medical conditions

Hi Sunil , The only regular thing I have ever done was to meditate. But after joining this group, your continual persuasion and self-feedback did the magic.I realized that I am accountable for myself. Your methods are simple to follow and implement. There is discipline in the way you put these tasks across, which gives us enough time to adjust and make them part of our daily routine. I thank you for helping me change and follow healthy habits. Hydration with 2–3 L is the norm. Earlier, I would feel breathless even after walking for 5 minutes. But now, due to NEAT activities and brisk walk tasks, my diet plan has significantly changed, and I have started feeling more energetic. There is still a lot more to change. I am confident that your strategy of hand-holding each one of us to follow a healthy lifestyle will help us achieve it. Thank you

Hey Sunil, Thank you soooo much for making me a part of this group. I feel really blessed to have a mentor like you and all my fellow buddies. You guys are awesome, always motivating one another to follow a healthy lifestyle. To be frank, I was fascinated by a healthy lifestyle right from my childhood. But I wasn't aware of the actual concept. I used to think that being slim meant being fit, but I couldn't get a hold on my weight after my marriage and delivery. From a neat 50, I jumped to 65.It was just impossible for me to shed off my stubborn belly fat, mainly because of my unhealthy eating habits and lack of motivated physical routine. I was random with my physical activity. Then comes our mentor, Sunil, who, in spite of his busy schedule, was and is ever ready to guide and motivate us in our search for a healthy life. In fact, you made our routine more interesting. We also learned the importance of a healthy diet and it's consequences for our system. And it gives us an opportunity to correct ourselves through frequent follow-up, either personally or in groups. This is my most treasured WhatsApp circle. Lam is deficient in words to express my gratitude to you. Thank you, Sunil. You are a wonderful person.

Dear Sunil, thank you for sharing and educating regarding Health, Neat and exercise. It is convenient for me as a busy person, and I can also share it with my patients. The knowledge and evidence given are excellent.

I consider myself very lucky to be a part of this amazing group that began under your guidance.You provide us with all the best, easy, and adaptable ways of leading a healthy life, along with proven scientific evidence, so that we can completely trust and follow you. Being in this group not only provides knowledge but also keeps us motivated to not deviate from our path, which had been my major problem.As for my personal experience, I gained a lot of weight after my third delivery. I was 66 and targeted to reduce to 56. After trying all sorts of diets and exercises, I managed to reduce around 5 kg, but whatever I did, I was maintained between 60 and 62 kg, never below that for the last 8 years. After 3 months of joining this group and following your guidance, I am now 56 and feel fit and energetic.The best part is that people around me get inspired and have started following a healthy path too. I can't thank you enough. I hope we keep going the same way and age gracefully together

I consider myself very lucky to be a part of this amazing group that began under your guidance.You provide us with all the best, easy, and adaptable ways of leading a healthy life, along with proven scientific evidence, so that we can completely trust and follow you. Being in this group not only provides knowledge but also keeps us motivated to not deviate from our path, which had been my major problem.As for my personal experience, I gained a lot of weight after my third delivery. I was 66 and targeted to reduce to 56. After trying all sorts of diets and exercises, I managed to reduce around 5 kg, but whatever I did, I was maintained between 60 and 62 kg, never below that for the last 8 years. After 3 months of joining this group and following your guidance, I am now 56 and feel fit and energetic.The best part is that people around me get inspired and have started following a healthy path too. I can't thank you enough. I hope we keep going the same way and age gracefully together

Hi Sunil, I thank you for your simple yet effective health tips! I trust and follow your advice. diligently. It's a very good read, and I understand the reasons and the scientific basis for all the advice. I have presented the facts and Evidence-based tips for healthy lifestyle learned from you in the forum's at my place, and they were well received. Thanks again, and keep spreading your Healthy tips for wellbeing

Hi Sunil Many thanks for guiding and inspiring us. I have found it very helpful and learned a lot about a healthy lifestyle. I have made a few changes in my own lifestyle and also managed to inspire my family members and friends as well. My hydration, healthy eating habits, daily exercise, meditation, and mindfulness have improved a lot because of your guidance. I am still in the process of getting it regular in my daily habits, and hopefully it will be natural for me. I am really grateful for all the guidance, motivation, and encouragement you have given me during the last few weeks. I have learned a lot. Best wishes, and keep motivating others.

Hi Sunil, Today Thank you for sharing knowledge about well-being and motivating people to make healthy choices. You have been immensely helpful in providing personalized feedback on modifying diets, ways to inculcate physical activity and mental fitness, and a very comprehensive approach to maintaining good health. You have given me a good start; I have already seen the benefits of these in the past few weeks. Not just in myself; this has cascaded down to my family too! No more relapses, and a big thank you for your constant encouragement

Hello Sunil, I work in a taluka hospital and stay in a taluka. place. A few years ago, I used to go for walks. with ease. Since about 3 years, I have been the only gynecologist to the whole taluk. Even if I stepped out for a walk, I started meeting people on the streets, and "on the street" consultation started. And I stopped walking outside, as it was more stressful than peaceful. And I started small. amount of exercise at home itself and NEAT work. After being part of this wonderful, healthy What's App group, I started doing more tasks at home. And I started walking in the hospital itself. Under your guidance, I feel much more active and am working much better. Even though I am not so good at doing tasks like other healthy legends). I sincerely thank you for your valuable guidance and for presenting things with facts and details. I tell the facts to the needy patients. Kindly continue the same. I appreciate you encouraging everyone to do the things even though you are busy. Thank you once again for the healthy tips.

Dear Sunil, My journey with you has been absolutely fantastic. You have made me aware of stuff beyond simple diet, exercise, and sleep. And although practicing all these has not been easy, your motivation and breaking down tasks into simple steps have helped immensely. I intend to practice these and will definitely get feedback in 6 months or years, as the biggest drawback is going back to bad habits with regimens that you can't inculcate. I am really grateful for the coaching and wish you well too. Many Thanks!

Hi Sunil, I cannot thank you enough for your Methods for health are simple yet revolutionary! Who would have thought simple habits could make so many changes? I have not only lost fat but also maintained my muscle mass, and I know this won't be some short-term thing but will last forever. I only had to trust you and follow diligently, as you have made it as easy as possible to follow. It can't get any easier than this. No hunger, minimal cost, and long-lasting Best of all, you provided all the scientific evidence for what you were asking me to do. The only way I can thank you is to now help others with the same methodology, and my friends are starting to reap the benefits too. Thanks again, and keep spreading your teachings.

I should add my story to these stories. Sunil has been brilliant in his evaluation of his physical and mental status and has guided me to a healthier life. My health has improved considerably thanks to Sunil!

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I’ll reply to all of your wellbeing queries within 24 hours with an effective roadmap of neat diet plan and healthy routine. I encourage you to take the initial step and get you on the healthier side of your lifestyle.

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