Challenge Yourself, Be better


14-Day Healthy Living Challenge

14 Days • 3 Participants Free

This challenge is for everyone because no matter what your diet or exercise regimen is like currently, you can always make it better. These 14 workouts will get your blood flowing, boost your energy, and improve your mood and health. You can perform these exercises anywhere, no equipment is required.

15-Days Squat Challenge

15 Days  Free

Squats are one of the best ways to strengthen your hips, abs, quadriceps and hamstrings. Better yet, you can do them anywhere, anytime. The challenge consists of 5 exercises that make up one set. You will start off slowly completing 25 reps total, working your way up to as many as 150 reps on day 15. No equipment is required. However, if you’d like to increase the intensity you may add free weights or a band around your thighs for the exercises. If it is too challenging for you, use a wall or chair for support

🧘‍♂️ Learn to Meditate

14 Days • 3 Participants • Free

Need to bring some peace and calm to your life? Mindfulness and meditation are just what you need!!

Join this challenge to get a 21-day program introducing mindfulness and meditation. You get daily prompts explaining how to do sitting meditation plus mindfulness checks at the end of each day.

Get Running! 🏃‍♀️

5 Weeks • 1 Participant • Free

Want to get your foot in the door of the fitness world? This challenge will gently introduce you to the world of fitness and running. Before you start, you should already be able to comfortably walk for 60 minutes.

This is your chance to get healthy, lose some weight and feel better!

Ready to run your first 5k?


Express Workouts

1 Participant • Free

Looking for fresh ways to stay in shape? Join to get a week of express workouts that are each less than 15 minutes. An express workout is fast enough to squeeze in over your lunch break. It’s simple enough to do from home, a park or almost anywhere. Use these two weeks to freshen up your regular routine, get some new ideas and stay in shape.

Sugar Detox Challenge

7 Days • 18 Participants • Free

Want to feel better, have more energy and trim down your waistline at the same time? Removing refined and added sugar from your diet is for you! There’s no need to count calories or ever be hungry. Instead focus on naturally filling and nourishing foods. Get the encouragement you need to give up your sweet tooth, plus some ideas for healthy alternatives.


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