Stress Busting Diet !

Stress Busting Diet ! If you’ve been feeling more stressed out than usual lately, it’s important to know which foods are best to choose and which to avoid when it comes to combating stress and helping you to deal with feelings of stress and anxiety. The best way to fight stress is to have a […]

Avacado! Avocados are a creamy and versatile fruit which can be eaten in a range of different ways whether you enjoy it raw, made into sauces, dressings and dips, or in a smoothie. These nutrient-dense fruits have the properties to stress-proof your body, thanks to their high glutathione content which specifically blocks the intestinal absorption […]
Want to lose weight in a healthy way No drugs No products !

Want to lose weight in a healthy way No drugs No products ! To get in shape, you’ll need to be consistent. To be consistent, you’ll need help. Lose weight, build strength, and have more energy. You tell me your goals. I’ll help you get there. In under one year, you’ll be in better shape […]
Blueberries !

Blueberries ! Blueberries ,If you’re feeling stressed out and reaching for the snacks, swapping chocolate or chips for one of the best superfoods is a great way to help you deal with your stress levels and achieve a higher level of calm.Blueberries have some of the highest levels of antioxidants, especially anthocyanin, which means that […]
Beginners Guide To Healthy Nutritional Eating

Beginners Guide To Healthy Nutritional Eating If you’re currently not eating a healthy diet, it can be difficult to start such a plan. However, healthy eating along with some exercise is very important for maintaining a good bodily function and goes a long way towards living a disease free life. If you struggle with healthy […]

#1change Improving our health and wellbeing through lifestyle medicine starts with #1change. The way we lead our lives (lifestyle) contributes to around 70 per cent of long-term illnesses. By changing how we live – even just one change at a time – we can start to improve our health and wellbeing. And we can also […]
Physician Burnout and Healthy Lifestyle

Physician Burnout and Healthy Lifestyle Many doctors are struggling with burnout, and the problem is only getting worse. UK physicians report high levels of job dissatisfaction and feelings of being overworked and undervalued. 1 This has serious implications for patient care, as burnt out doctors are more likely to make errors, suffer from depression and […]
Refined grains & the heart

Refined grains & the heart What is already known on this topic? Among cereals that largely contribute to carbohydrate intake, higher consumption of whole grains has been associated with lower risk of total mortality and cardiovascular disease However, no clear associations have been observed between refined grains and these outcomes What this study adds ? […]